Brener I.S., Zaremba A.V. The Birobidzhan Project in Scientific Research: Values and Interests in History of the Jewish Autonomous Region

Brener I.S., Zaremba A.V. The Birobidzhan Project in Scientific Research: Values and Interests in History of the Jewish Autonomous Region

ISBN 978-966-2246-18-6

Original name:

Бренер И.С., Заремба А.В. Биробиджанский проект в научных исследованиях. Ценности и интересы в истории Еврейской автономной области. Киев.: Золотые ворота, 2013. 632 с.
ISBN 978-966-2246-18-6

The book is intended to spotlight historical aspects of Birobidzhan Project in Russian Far East. Translations from Yiddish, Hebrew and English of the works by Kh. Sloves, M.Kadishevich, Y. Babitsky, D. Lipshits, E.Rosental-Shayderman, G. Vinokur, R. Braynin, B. Ryvkin. Kh. Zhytlovsky etc. allow the readers to see in new light various aspects of the project labeled “Red Zion”, “Ghetto”, “Stalin Project”.

Stages of formation and development of the JAR are considered as well as comparative analysis of the JAR treatment both in scholarship and in publicistic literature. Jewish colonization in the Far East is regarded as having potential to bring about effective Jewish statehood.

Stages of shaping scientific approach are shown and a role of Scientific Commission is spotlighted.

Contemporary records as well as materials for further research, documents of various expeditions and printed literature give cues for research of scientific institutions in the territory of the JAR.

The book is intended for scholars, teaching staff, students and for those who are interested in history of shaping and development of the Jewish Autonomous Region.

You can view the contents (in original language) here