The policy of social reforms: strategy, mechanisms, resources. Collection of scientific papers.

The policy of social reforms: strategy, mechanisms, resources. Collection of scientific papers.

ISBN 978-966-02-8821-8

Original name:

Політика суспільних реформ: стратегія, механізми, ресурси. Збірник наукових праць / за ред. О. О. Рафальського, О. М. Майбороди. ІПіЕНД НАН України, 2018. – 478 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-8821-8

The collection contains an analysis of the functioning of political mechanisms designed to ensure the implementation of the reform strategy of Ukrainian society in accordance with its European integration goal. The analysis covers key public areas where the effectiveness of reform mechanisms is particularly relevant - the institutional optimality of the country's political system, the political and managerial aspects of the reforms, the value changes in society in accordance with European civilizational criteria.

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