On June 9, Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav hosted an international scientific and practical conference entitled “Transitional Society of the Post-Soviet Type: Problems of Searching for the Paradigm of Development”. One of the co-organizers of the conference was the Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Participants of the international scientific-practical conference
At the beginning of the scientific event, the Rector of the University – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V. V. Kotsur awarded the Deputy Director for Research of the Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine O. M. Mayboroda with the University Award “Order of Prince Volodymyr Monomakh”, noted the long and fruitful cooperation of the University with our Institute.
Oleksandr Mayboroda receives a University award
The work of the international scientific and practical conference focused on the following areas:
- current problems of modern transitology;
- power and institutions of power in the transitional society;
- socio-cultural contexts of democratic modernization of post-Soviet society;
- problems of forming the identity of a transitional society in the context of globalization;
- political and administrative structures in the conditions of democratic transit of the post-Soviet society;
- political and economic processes in the transitional post-Soviet society;
- democratic transformation of post-Soviet societies in the context of European integration processes;
- ethno-national problems of post-Soviet society.
During the scientific and practical conference
The conference participants worked in the format of two scientific briefings. On the first – “Institutional aspects of democratization of post-Soviet transformation in the context of European integration” reports were made by researchers of our Institute: Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine O. M. Mayboroda, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor V. A. Voynalovych, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Yu. O. Nikolaiets, Doctor of Political Sciences T. M. Lyashenko, Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor O. Yu. Kondratenko, Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor A. M. Degterenko, Candidate of Historical Sciences O. O. Lyashenko, Candidate of Historical Sciences V. V. Novorodovsky, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences E. V. Shcherbenko.
Yuriy Nikolaiets gives a speech
At the second briefing “Political and cultural and ethno-national contexts of modernization of post-Soviet society” spoke Doctor of Political Science, Professor O. Ya. Kalakura, Candidate of Political Science R. V. Balaban, Candidate of Historical Sciences L. I. Mazuka, Candidate of Historical Sciences L. L. Kovach and Candidate of Philosophical Sciences O. O. Chorny. In total, 115 scientists took part in the conference.
Rostyslav Balaban gives a report
Program of the international scientific and practical conference