Department of Political Culture and Ideology
Head of the Department –Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Nikolaets Yurii Oleksiyovych
The Department of Political Culture and Ideology was established to implement the decision of the Academic Council of the Institute (Minutes №5 of 14 September 2021) and the Bureau of the Department of History, Philosophy and Law of the NAS of Ukraine (Resolution №9 of 21 October 2021). By January 2023, the department Headed Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Honored Worker of Public Education of Ukraine Voynalovych Viktor Anatoliyovych.
The activities of the department are focused on the study of theoretical and practical problems related to the emergence, development and functioning of political culture, the establishment of political ideologies, the transformation of human consciousness in various ideal forms and practical political models.
The main areas of work of the department scientists are the following:
– theoretical studies of the nature, character, functions, individual elements of political culture and types of political ideology in the context of universal value orientations and specific manifestations of national characteristics;
– analysis of static and dynamic characteristics of political culture and ideology in the conditions of collective and individual human existence, correlation of community and individual-personal forms of society;
– clarification of the basic laws, patterns, principles, functional characteristics of the development of political culture and practical and political reflection in social practice of the consequences of ideological perception and worldview of the individual and mass society;
– comparison and elucidation of the nature of the main ideological systems of today. Correlation of political ideologies with political realities, ruling regimes and political systems of different countries;
– identification of mental and psychological foundations of national development, features of public memory as a factor in the development of political consciousness and culture;
– analysis of transformational processes of cultural, political and ideological development at the international and domestic level of the state;
– development of civic consciousness and culture in the process of democratization of society, the establishment of postmaterial values;
– political values, orientations, ideals, national idea as a factor in the development of political consciousness and culture;
– information power and its influence on the formation of political culture and political behavior of people; mass media as a factor of democratic development; functions, tendencies of development of mass media in the conditions of democracy;
– identification of transitive features of political culture in the context of democratization and globalization of society. Intercultural cooperation as a factor of foreign and domestic policy; problems of forming a democratic political culture;
– analysis of manipulative components of political technologies in the context of political culture and consciousness. Political myths;
– study of the formation of the image of the subjects of political activity in the space of political culture and consciousness. Research of political culture of elites;
– political ethics, political spirituality, political responsibility, political correctness and tolerance as manifestations of political culture and consciousness;
– study of the electoral culture of electoral processes;
– gender issues in the context of political culture and consciousness;
– problems of formation of public opinion in the conditions of legitimation of political power.
The main tasks of the research activities of the department are:
- implementation of basic and applied research in the main areas of the department;
- creation of scientific developments on the basis of new knowledge obtained as a result of research, their implementation in socio-political practice;
- preparation of expert-analytical developments, monitoring of socio-political processes;
- cooperation with legislative and executive bodies, local self-government bodies, public associations on the development of strategic and program documents, providing recommendations, methodological and advisory support, scientific substantiation of the expediency of making appropriate management decisions;
- informing and testing the results of activities by publishing them in printed scientific publications, on the Institute’s website, in speeches at international and domestic scientific and practical events, the media.
Main publications:
- Nagorna L. P. Political language and language policy: the range of possibilities of political linguistics. Kyiv : Svitoglyad, 2005. 315 p.
- Samchuk Z. F. Worldview foundations of socio-philosophical study of ideology: the problem of criteria and priorities of choice. In 2 vols. T. 1. 2009. 920 p .; T. 2. 2009. 904 s.
- Vladimir Kulik. Ukrainian media discourse: identities, ideologies, power relations. Kyiv: Critique, 2010. 656 p.
- Nagorna L. P. Socio-cultural identity: traps of value distinctions. Kyiv : IPiEND named after IF Kuras NAS of Ukraine, 2011. 272 p.
- Nikolaiets Yu. O. The settlement structure of the population of Donbass: ethnopolitical aspect of dynamics : monograph. Kyiv : IPiEND im. IF Kuras NAS of Ukraine, 2012. 187 p.
- Biloshitsky S. V. Liberal democracy in the XXI century: resources, challenges, prospects : monograph. Khmelnytsky, 2012. 944 p. (in Russian).
- Culture of historical memory: European and Ukrainian experience / Yu. Shapoval, L. Nagorna, O. Boyko, etc .; for the head edited by Yu. Shapoval. Kyiv : IPiEND named after IF Kuras NAS of Ukraine, 2013. 600 p.
- Victor Yelensky. The Great Return: Religion in Global Politics and International Relations in the Late 20th and Early 21st Centuries Lviv : Ukrainian Catholic University Publishing House, 2013. 504 p.
- Volodymyr Kulyk. Soviet nationalities policies and the discrepancy between ethnocultural identification and language practice in Ukraine. The Historical Legacies of Communism in Russia and Eastern Europe / Eds. M. Beissinger, S. Kotkin. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2014. P. 202–221.
- Voynalovych V. A., Kochan N. I. Religious factor of ethnopolitical processes in the Donbass: history and modernity. Kyiv: IPiEND named after IF Kuras of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2014. 304 p.
- Nagorna L. P. Historical culture: concept, information resource, reflective potential. Kyiv : IPiEND named after IF Kuras NAS of Ukraine, 2014. 382 p.
- Ryabchuk Mykola. Ukraine. Syndrom postkolonialny (Mykola Ryabchuk. Ukraine. Postcolonial syndrome; in Polish). Wroclaw : Kolegium Europy Wschodniej, 2015. 260 p.
- Ethnopolitical context of socio-cultural transformations in modern Ukraine / ed. Col .: O. Rafalsky (chairman), V. Voynalovych, L. Nagorna. Kyiv : IPiEND named after IF Kuras NAS of Ukraine, 2017. 512 p.
- Voynalovych V. A., Kochan N. I. Religious factor of ethnopolitical processes in Galicia: postwar Soviet era and modernity. Kyiv : IPiEND named after IF Kuras NAS of Ukraine, 2018. 408 p.
- Ryabchuk M. Yu. Overcoming ambivalence. The dichotomy of Ukrainian national identity: historical causes and political consequences. Kyiv : IPiEND named after IF Kuras NAS of Ukraine, 2019. 252 p.
- Ethnopolitical factors of consolidation of modern Ukrainian society / ed. Col .: O. Rafalsky (chairman), V. Voynalovych, M. Ryabchuk. Kyiv : IPiEND named after IF Kuras NAS of Ukraine. 2020. 336 p.
- Ryabchuk Mykola. Eastern Europe since 1989: Between loosened Authoritarianism and Unconsolidated Democracy. Warzawa: Studium Europy Wschodniej UW & Mykoła Riabchuk, 2020. 209 p.
- Interpretation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in Western scientific and expert-analytical works / Ed. V. Kulyk. Kyiv : IPiEND named after IF Kuras NAS of Ukraine. 2020. 328 p.
- Kulyk Vladimir. Language policy in multilingual countries. Foreign experience and its suitability for Ukraine. Kyiv : Spirit and Literature, 2021. 312 p.
Information on the quantitative and qualitative composition of employees
At the beginning of 2024, the department has 9 researchers (including 6 doctors of sciences and 2 candidates of sciences).
The main composition of the department:
- Nikolaiets Yuriy Oleksiyovych – Head of the department, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
- Voynalovych Viktor Anatoliyovych – Chief Researcher, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Public Education of Ukraine
- Elensky Victor Yevgenyevych – Chief Researcher, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
- Samchuk Zoreslav Fedorovych – Chief Researcher, Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Researcher, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine
- Hai-Nyzhnyk Pavlo Pavlovych – Acting Leading Research Scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences
- Polishchuk Yuriy Mykolayovych – Leading Researcher, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
- Ryabchuk Mykola Yuriiovych – Leading Researcher, Candidate of Political Science
- Gurkivska Alyona Ihorivna – Research Scientist, Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science
- Leontiev Ivan Olehovych – Junior Research Scientist
- Nabok Svitlana Valeriyivna – Junior Researcher, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Tel.: +38 (044) 285-93-78