Department of Theory and History of Political Science
Department was established at the end of 2007. Until March 2021, the department was headed by Mykola Ivanovych Mykhalchenko, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.
From January 2022, scientific management of the department is carried out by the Deputy Director for Research, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine Yurii Zhanovych Shaihorodskyi.
The main purpose of the department is to carry out thorough theoretical and methodological research in the field of political science.
Among the priority research areas: political theory, political history, political philosophy, political psychology, social and political relations, worldview problems of Ukrainian society, state science.
The main tasks of the department are to investigate theoretical and methodological foundations of political science, to clarify its tasks and functions, to make the systematic analysis of politics, determine the patterns of political life of the society, research the historical, cultural and mental foundations of modern socio-political phenomena and processes, rational and irrational in politics, the genesis of political thought in the world and in Ukraine, the theoretical generalization of the process of formation and development of political institutions.
The structural subdivision of the department is the Center of Historical Political Science (headed by Yuriy Ivanovych Shapoval).
Research topics of the department:
- 2008–2009 – “Worldview-theoretical dimension of modern Ukrainian politics”
- 2010–2012 – “Social values of the population of Ukraine in theoretical and practical dimensions”
- 2013–2015 – “Transformation of political institutions of Ukraine: problems of theory and practice”
- 2016–2018 – “Changing the civilization paradigm of Ukraine’s development: problems of theory and practice”
- 2019–2021– “Modern political discourse on the problem of multipolar restructuring of the global world”
- 2022–2024 – “The concept of the unity of Ukraine: origins, evolution, political relevance”
As of 2022, the department has 10 full-time employees, including 6 Doctors and 4 Candidates of Science.
The main composition of the department:
- Shaihorodskyi Yurii Zhanovych – Deputy Director of the Institute for Research, Scientific Director of the Department, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine
- Bevz Tetyana Anatoliyivna – Chief Researcher, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine
- Soldatenko Valeriy Fedorovych – Chief Researcher, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine
- Shapoval Yuriy Ivanovych – Chief Researcher, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine
- Boyko Oleksandr Dmytrovych – Leading Researcher, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor.
- Yaremchuk Vyacheslav Dmytrovych – Leading Researcher, Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor
- Gorbatiuk Mykola Volodymyrovych – Senior Researcher, Candidate of Historical Sciences
- Zorych Oksana Ostapivna – Senior Researcher, Candidate of Political Science
Tel./fax: +38 (044) 285-81-76
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