On October 20-21, 2022, in the city of Regensburg (Germany), the Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung Regensburg held an international scientific conference on the topic “Wars in Ukraine in the 20th and 21st centuries: mass media, experts, misinformation”. In addition to the aforementioned Institute, the co-organizer of the conference was Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University.
The key role in the preparation of this scientific forum belongs to the German-Ukrainian Commission of Historians (it annually organizes this kind of international gathering of scientists). One of the long-term members of this commission is the chief researcher of the Department of Theory and History of Political Science of our Institute, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Yuriy Shapoval. He was a member of the organizing committee and a participant of the conference.
A group of conference participants
Oleksandr Pankieiev (Edmonton, Canada), Olena Bachynska (Odesa), Olga Kolyastruk (Vinnytsia), Yuriy Shapoval (Kyiv), Olga Bilobrovets (Zhytomyr), Victoria Vengerska (Zhytomyr), Polina Barvinska (Odesa), Serhii Stelmakh (Kyiv), Igor Shchupak (Dnipro)
The purpose of the scientific conference was to: analyze information and disinformation campaigns (with the potential for legitimization and delegitimization), assess the role of imperial, colonial and post-colonial narratives under the conditions of hostilities, show the media representations of the respective opponents of war and enemy images, and also point to media forms (visual, acoustic, text media). Scientists from Ukraine, Germany, Canada, Israel, and the USA took part in the conference.
Meeting of the German-Ukrainian commission of historians, October 22, 2022
After the conference, a working meeting of the German-Ukrainian Commission of Historians took place. In connection with the end of the mandates defined by the Commission’s charter, its co-chairs were re-elected. Professor Guido Gausman was elected co-chair instead of Professor Martin Schulze-Wessel. Professor Gelinada Grinchenko was elected co-chair from the Ukrainian side instead of Professor Yaroslav Hrytsak.