Oksana Zorych, senior researcher at the department of Theory and history of political science, candidate of political sciences, became a laureate of the “Atlas” academic mobility program of the “House of Humanities” Foundation (Paris, France) in the field of research “Propagation of violence. Russian invasion of Ukraine: strategies and tactics of information warfare”.


Oksana Zorych

The Foundation Maison des sciences de l’homme (FMSH) was founded in 1963 by Fernand Braudel in Paris. The Foundation supports research and dissemination of knowledge in the field of humanities and social sciences, as well as innovative research. For more than 50 years, FMSH has been building an important network of national and international partners in order to popularize research in the field of humanities and social sciences.

Among the main programs of the Foundation are the mobility program “Atlas”, “DEA”, “International research networks in HSS”, “Vigoni workshops”, “PREFALK Programme”.

The results of the research, which is carried out by a scientist under the FMSH academic mobility program, will be used in the work on the individual research topic “Integration and disintegration discourses in modern media” of the departmental research topic of the Department of Theory and History of Political Science of the Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: “The concept of the unity of Ukraine: origins, evolution, political relevance.”