A Political History of Ukraine: The 20th Century. In 6 volumes. Volume 4: Ukraine in the Second World War, 1939-1945
ISBN 966-504-256-4 (серія) 966-504-296-3 (т.4)
Original name: Т.4: Україна у Другій світовій війні, 1939-1945. – Керівник тому В.І.Кучер. – К., 2003. – 584 с.
ISBN 966-504-256-4 (серія) 966-504-296-3 (т.4)
Volume 4 covers the period of the Second World War. The authors used unique archive materials and works on modern historiography to reinterpret the question of the role and place of Ukraine in the context of the prewar partnership of the two dictatorship followed by their military confrontation.
The volume also throws light on the contribution of Ukraine to the defeat of Nazism, the key moments of the Soviet partisan movement, the fighting of the Organization of Ukraine Nationalists and the Ukrainian Uprising Army against both totalitarian systems and the consequences of the war between these systems.
This book is intended for specialists, lecturers, university students, and the general reader interested in the history of Ukraine.