Hierarchy of values of the population of the East and South of Ukraine: ethnopolitical aspect in the context of Russian aggression
Hierarchy of values of the population of the East and South of Ukraine: ethnopolitical aspect in the context of Russian aggression : monograph / group of authors: V.A. Voynalovych (head, scientific editor), V. Ye. Yelensky, O. Ya. Kalakura, V. O. Kotyhorenko, V. M. Kulyk, Yu. O. Nikolaiets ,Yu. M. Polishchuk, M. Yu. Ryabchuk. Kyiv : Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the NAS of Ukraine, 2021. 344 s.
ISBN 978-966-02-9912-2
Ієрархія цінностей населення Сходу та Півдня України: етнополітичний аспект в умовах російської агресії : монографія / авт. кол.: В. А. Войналович (керівник, наук. ред.), В. Є. Єленський, О. Я. Калакура, В. О. Котигоренко, В. М. Кулик, Ю. О. Ніколаєць, Ю. М. Поліщук, М. Ю. Рябчук. Київ : ІПіЕнД ім. І. Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2021. 344 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-9912-2
The monograph analyzes the essential content, condition and dynamics of value orientations of the population of the East and South of Ukraine, its social behavior and social practices in the context of Russian aggression. Based on the use of a broad empirical base, the results of research by sociological services analyzed the main ideologies of «Russian World», the main channels of their spread in Ukraine and ways to adapt to specific Ukrainian realities, the prevalence and dynamics of national and civic values. Demographic distribution and evolution of linguistic identities and practices of the population of East and South of Ukraine, dynamics of religious- confessional preferences of the population, peculiarities and nature of ethnocultural policy in the region, behavior and mobility of the main actors of ethnocultural sphere were studied. Recommendations for the development and implementation of a social consolidation strategy have been formulated. The book is designed for scientists, politicians, activists of non-governmental organizations, everyone who is interested in the problems of national development.