History of the Germans in Ukraine. Materials of All-Ukrainian scientific conference.
ISBN 978-066-02-8257-5
Original name: Історія німців України. Матеріали всеукраїнської наукової конференції. – К.: ІПіНД ім. І.Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2017. – 152 с.
ISBN 978-066-02-8257-5
The book was published at the initiative of the “International society of the Germans Ukraine – Wiedergeburt with the financial support of the Federal Ministry of the Interior of Germany through the charity «Development Society” on the results of the All-Ukrainian scientific conference “History of the Germen in Ukraine”, which was held on 3 March, 2017 in I.F. Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the NAS of Ukraine.