In the colours of “orange revolution”
ISBN 966-7769-62-3
Original name: У кольорах «помаранчевої революції» / Загальна редакція та упорядкування Ю.Шаповала. – К.: ТОВ УВПК «ЕксОб» 2007 – 308 с.
ISBN 966-7769-62-3
In the articles, which are published in the book, the different views on events that Ukraine has been going through since late 2004 and were linked to presidential elections are set out. Interpretations, which are offered by the authors of articles, are sometimes contradictory and ambiguous, but they are united by the desire to understand the essence of what happened, articulating the lessons that the politics and society have to learn from those events.
The book is intended for anyone, who is interested in political history and political science, a reading public.