Kochubey L.O. Election technologies: the political analysis (as an example of the Parliamentary elections of modern Ukraine)

ISBN 966–8602–35–8
Original name: Кочубей Л.О. Виборчі технології: політичний аналіз (на прикладі виборів до парламенту сучасної України): Монографія. – К.: ТОВ «Видавництво «Юридична думка», 2006. – 280 с.
ISBN 966–8602–35–8
Monograph is one of the attempt’s complex investigation of essence, state and tendency development of election technologies in the present Ukraine as an example the Parliamentary elections. Analysed the conceptual machinery of election technologies, defined the methods of the investigation electorate space. Systematized the existing point of views to the definition of election technologies and proposed author’s sight of their substance. As to the author’s mind defined the role of substance and forms manipulation of social thought in the election process.
The main positions and conclusions of monographic investigation can be the base for the improvement of election legislation in the Ukraine. Practical recommendations may be used by the political figures office employees, members of the election committees, political parties and the other participants of election process.