Kotsur V.V. Ethnopolitical conflict in Transdniestria in the context of Ukrainian-Moldavian state-to-state relations.
ISBN 978-966-02-6970-5
Original name: Коцур В.В. Етнополітичний конфлікт у Придністров’ї у контексті українсько-молдовських міждержавних відносин / В.В. Коцур. – К.: ІПіЕНД ім. І.Ф. Кураса НАН Украни, 2013. – 272 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-6970-5
The monograph examines the dynamics of ethnopolitical conflict in Transdniestria and prospects of its regulation for state-to-state relations between Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. The author studies the historical and ethnopolitical essence of the conflict, defines the pre-conditions of the cooperation between Ukraine and Moldova and other state-to-state relations and analysed the approaches of all the parties concerned with the settlement of the Transdniestrian conflict.
The book is intended for researchers, professionals of etdhnopolitology, international relations, public administration and all those interested in the conflicts in the post soviet area.