Levenets Y.A. Election Process: Myths and Realities.
Левенець Ю.А. Виборчий процес: міфи і реалії. – К: Бланк-Прес, 2006. – 180 с.
If you do not have problems in communication with others, if everything is well with the perception of your personality by people, if you do not desire, do not have ambition, money, health and physical strength to be a candidate for elective office, do not want to go through the hard way and violent struggle, to defeat opponents and become a deputy board at any level, or president, then you do not need to waste time to get acquainted with this book.
But if most of these factors become significant meaning to you, because you finally and firmly decided to run for public office, then this is the book for you will be a good counsellor, a guide and mentor to achieve the goal.