Lyashenko T.N. Transformation of political systems in Central Asia: National and regional aspects.
ISBN 978-966-02-6286-7
Original name: Ляшенко Т.М. Трансформація політичних систем в країнах Центральної Азії: національний та регіональний аспекти. – К.: ІПіЕНД, 2011. – 288 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-6286-7
This monograph is devoted to the analysis of the political systems transformation in Central Asia in the post-Soviet period. Both, the mutually connecting factors, which are specific to the region and particularly of the each country’s development, are considered. The structures of authority, institutions of civil society, among which traditional forms of self-government continue to operate, are studied. Considering that the systemic transformation in Central Asia are fundamentally different from similar processes in Eastern European countries, the author compares the internal and external factors of transformation, variants for replacement of political elites, the possibility of transition to a new political regime, the reliability of revolutions and armed conflict.
The publication is intended for political scientists, historians and anyone who is interested in the transformation processes in the post-Soviet space and features of the Central Asian region.