Political security of Ukraine: problems of political and state governance. predictive evaluation, mechanisms of provision

Political security of Ukraine: problems of political and state governance. predictive evaluation, mechanisms of provision

Political security of Ukraine: problems of political and state governance. Predictive evaluation, mechanisms of provision: analytical note. Kyiv: Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the NAS of Ukraine, 2023. 64 p.

Original name:

Політична безпека України: проблеми політичного і державного правління. Прогнозна оцінка, механізми забезпечення : аналітична записка. Київ : Інститут політичних і етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І. Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2023. 64 с.

The analytical note contains an analysis of the current situation and predictive assessments of probable dangers that may threaten political stability in Ukraine in war conditions, as well as individual proposals for overcoming them. Research attention is focused on problems that may arise during the exercise of state power, especially along the "center-region" line, in relations between subjects of the country's political field. The problems associated with the implementation of the tasks of mobilizing the country to resist military aggression are highlighted and analyzed, as well as existing contradictions in inter-ethnic relations, in inter-church confrontation in the Orthodox environment, and in the state's geostrategic efforts. The analytical note was prepared based on the results of the research work "Forecasting the security environment of Ukraine in the political sphere" (state registration number 0123U102067).

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  1. State authorities in Ukraine: how to avoid wartime “institutional traps” for successful post-war recovery (G. Zelenko)
  2. Balance of power: center-regions-territorial communities (Y. Nikolaiets)
  3. The structure of the political field – signs of new dividing lines (O. Mayboroda)
  4. Social mobilization: trends and forecast (Yu. Shaihorodskyi)
  5. The activities of the structures of the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine as a challenge to the national security of the state (V. Pereveziy)
  6. Current aspects of updating the state ethno-national policy, taking into account the possible consequences of Russia’s wars against Ukraine (O. Kalakura)
  7. Integration of Ukraine into the geopolitical space (O. Kondratenko)


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