Political system and institutes of a civil society in modern Ukraine.
ISBN 978-966-06-0460-2
Original name: Політична система та інститути громадянського суспільства в сучасній Україні: Навч. Посібник / Ф.М. Рудич, Р.В, Балабан, Ю.С. Ганжуров та ін.. – К.: Либідь, 2008. – 440 с
ISBN 978-966-06-0460-2
On the basis of large amount of historical and modern scientific sources, consideration of real political processes, the actual formation problems of the political system and institutes of a civil society in modern Ukraine are analyzed. The use of comparative analysis method promoted finding out of dialectic interdependence of social and lawful state institutions and institutes of a civil society, display of the general and especial in its development in the CIS and Baltic countries, Central and the Eastern Europe.
This study guide is intended for students of higher educational institutions.