Shapoval Y.I. Authentic Histories

ISBN 966-96360-1-9
Original name: Шаповал Ю.І. Невигадані історії. – К.: Світогляд, 2004. – 351 с.
ISBN 966-96360-1-9
This is a collection of historical-scholarly articles by the Ukrainian historian Yuri Shapoval, which were written in the last ten years. Most of these articles appeared in Ukrainian periodical publications. The book also contains earlier, unpublished materials. According to Mykola Riabchuk, the author of the introductory essay, in his articles Yuri Shapoval "successfully resists the temptation to write 'a little about everything'. Instead, he focuses only of those topics and historical periods about which he is very knowledgeable, brilliantly so". Intended for anyone with an interest in history.