Shapoval Y.I. Faith of History
Шаповал Ю.И. Доля як історія. – К.: Ґенеза, 2006. – 448 с.: іл. – Парал. тит. арк., анот. англ.
The articles collected in this book are mostly semi-popular historical writings, most of which are devoted to specific individuals in the context of events that took place in the 20th century. The author avoids the temptation of writing a bit about everything. Instead, he focuses only on those topics and historical periods with which he is well acquainted. Today these topics resonate with contemporary events in Ukraine and are the subject of vigorous debates. The paradoxical attitudes to seemingly "canonized" figures of the past, the return of "repressed" names, the Holodomor of the early 1930s, the complex amalgam of Polish-Ukrainian relations during WWII, Ukrainian "accents" of this cataclysmic event, and the importance of the activities of contemporary Ukrainian political figures are some of the many complex issues raised by the author. Without imposing his personal viewpoint, he invites readers to take part in a discussion of these topics.