Shapoval Yu. I. Touch the history
ISBN 978-966-611-903-5
Original name: Шаповал Ю.І. Торкнутись історії. – 2-ге вид., допов. – К. : Парламентське вид.-во, 2017. – 504 с.
ISBN 978-966-611-903-5
History remains the subject of heated discussion in Ukraine, of the most unexpected discoveries and in-deep reader’s interest. Yurii Shapoval is a connoisseur of its secrets, a researcher of archives, a publisher of unknown facts and documents, a scientist with an excellent worldwide reputation. And at the same time, he is a talented populariser of historical knowledge, the author of invariably interesting TV programs, documentaries, radio programs and newspaper stories.
His book is devoted precisely to such topical problems of our more ancient and very recent history, filled not only unsolved problems, but also contradictory interpretations and complicated issues, which are not easy to find convincing and acceptable answers for everyone.