Victor A. Vojnalovych, Natalia I. Kochan. Religion, Politics and Ethnicity in Halychyna: from the Soviet Post-World War II Time to Present.

Victor A. Vojnalovych, Natalia I. Kochan. Religion, Politics and Ethnicity in Halychyna: from the Soviet Post-World War II Time to Present.

Victor A. Vojnalovych, Natalia I. Kochan. Religion, Politics and Ethnicity in Halychyna: from the Soviet Post-World War II Time to Present. Kyiv: Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2018. – 408 p.
ISBN 978-966-02-8968-0

Original name:

Войналович В.А., Кочан Н.І. Релігійний чинник етнополітичних процесів у Галичині: повоєнна радянська доба і сучасність. Київ: ІПіЕНД ім. І.Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2018. – 408 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-8968-0

The book presents scholarly account of interaction between religion, ethnicity and politics in Ukrainian Halychyna region from Post-World War II Soviet time to present days in independent Ukraine, period that reveals variety of quite different patterns of interaction between religion and politics, religion and ethnicity.

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Chapter I. Religion and ethnicity: transformations during Stalin’s policy of religious “liberalization”

Chapter II. Krushchov’s anti-religious campaign: impact of Halychyna

Chapter III. “Halycian project” of religious renaissance

Chapter IV. Religion and its correlation with ethnicity and politics in contemporary Halychyna

  1. Regional specifics: common and different
  2. Religious and ethnic minority groups
  3. Major players on the fields of intertwined religion, politics and ethnicity: Greek-Catholics, Orthodox, Roman-Catholics


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