Yaremchuk V.D. Ukrainian multiparty system of Naddniprianskoi and Eastern Ukraine: comparative analysis (1899 – 1918)
ISBN 978-966-02-7002-2
Original name: Яремчук В.Д. Українська багатопартійність Наддніпрянської і Західної України: компаративний аналіз (1899 – 1918 рр.). – К.: ІПіЕНД ім. І.Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2012. – 504 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-7002-2
In the proposed research, the comprehensive analysis’ attempt of the first Ukrainian parties’ activity of Eastern (Naddniprianskoi) and Western (Galicia and Bukovina) Ukraine, which were functioning in the context of Ukrainian multiparty system is given. The particular attention is focused on the specifics of the Ukrainian political parties, their interaction and accomplishments, achieved in the political life of the Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empire. The results of comparative analysis in the process of multiparty system’s formation and functioning in Naddniprianskii and Eastern Ukraine are presented.
The book is intended for specialists, students, everybody who is interested in problems associated with the emergence and activities of Ukrainian political parties and political history of Ukraine.