On January 24, 2023, an All-Ukrainian round table was held at the Research Institute of Ukraine Studies of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dedicated to the Day of the Unity of Ukraine, the 104th anniversary of the proclamation of the Unification Act of the Ukrainian People’s Republic and the West Ukrainian People’s Republic (January 22, 1919) and the 105th anniversary of the publication of the IV Universal of the Central Council and the declaration of independence of Ukraine (January 22, 1918).

The main researcher of the Department of Theory and History of Political Science of our Institute, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor T. A. Bevz, took part in the work of the All-Ukrainian Round Table, and delivered a report “Updating the topic of unification in political discourse.” The speaker emphasized the relevance of the subject of the Unity in the conditions of a full-scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. At the beginning of her report, Tetyana Bevz thanked the defenders of Ukraine and the captain of the Armed Forces of Ukraine V. Ya. Mykhailenko, who was personally present at the event, for their heroic fight against the Russian aggressors. The speaker also emphasized that the unity is the basis of the resistance of Ukrainians to the Russian occupiers, the unity is the singleness on which the Ukrainian state rests, and unity is “the foundation of our successes, the guarantee of a strong independent state and the restoration of its territorial integrity. This is a fundamental value for us.”

Tetyana Bevz

In the speaker’s opinion, the study of the phenomenon of Unity needs a new understanding in the context of modern challenges and threats. The subject of the study should be not only memories of the turbulent events of that time, scientific works, but also modern social and political events, conceptualization of the very idea of Unity.

Today, the Unity of Ukraine means the de-occupation of all its temporarily occupied territories, the restoration of singleness with Donetsk region, Luhansk region and Crimea. And it is no coincidence that the slogan of this year’s Unity Day is: “Ukraine is united.” Together to victory!”, “We are returning ours. Unity is the goal of Victory.”

The speaker expressed her confidence that the idea of Unity is determined primarily by the unity of values, ideals and interests of the citizens of Ukraine, the main goal of which is currently victory over the enemy.

After the work of the round table, its participants watched the performance of the Mariupol Theater of the author’s play, dedicated to the current events of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the fate of the citizens of Ukraine (children, youth, adults and elderly people) who got into the terrifying grinds of war. The performance of the actors, who became refugees in their own country, made a deep impression on the audience.

More about the round table