On November 22-23, 2022, in Kyiv Mariupol State University organized and held the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference “The Phenomenon of Post-Globalism Culture”. In addition to Ukrainian scientists, the participants of the event were scientists from Poland, Germany, France, the Czech Republic, and Greece.
At the plenary session of the conference, the leading researcher of the department of ethno-political science, PhD of political science, associate professor Anastasiia Dehterenko spoke with the report “Ethno-political management and the strategy of the revival of Ukraine in the post-war period“.
The speaker emphasized that at the strategic level of ethnopolitical management, it is necessary to ensure a clear legal framework for ethnopolitics with relevant legislative documents – the “Concept of State Ethnonational Policy of Ukraine”, the updated Law “On National Minorities in Ukraine”; at the tactical level – to ensure the formation of an effective mechanism for the development of specific methods and means of implementing the adopted decisions; on the operative level – in order to implement state ethnopolitics in the regions in conditions of full-scale war, constant population migrations and changes in the location of a large number of ethnic groups (Greeks of the Azov region, Bulgarians of the South, etc.), to identify the actual ethnic structure of the population in the regions, as well as temporary places of residence of a significant part of ethnic groups and to conduct an inventory of the possibilities of intensifying the work of regional centers of national minorities in Ukraine and abroad.
The relevance of the problem to which the report is devoted is due primarily to the fact that transformations in the system of ethno-political management can positively affect the daily life of thousands of Mariupol residents who were forced to leave the temporarily occupied city.
At the conference, the project “Green Corridors. Evacuation of students and teachers of the Mariupol State University from the occupied territory.”