On May 16, 2024, an expert discussion was held at the National Institute of Strategic Studies based on the results of a survey that was conducted by the Center for Internal Political Studies of the National Institute of Social Sciences in February 2024 and was attended by employees of the Department of Political Institutes and Processes of the Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the NAS of Ukraine. The survey was conducted as part of the analytical study “Analysis of threats to national security in the field of domestic policy”. The purpose of the study was to identify threats to internal policy that the Russian Federation uses to destabilize Ukraine, and to assess the level of threats to national security.

Representatives of scientific institutions, teachers of higher education institutions, representatives of the media sphere, etc. took part in the discussion of the research results. The participants of the event analyzed the dynamics of changes in expert assessments of threats in the field of domestic policy in comparison with the assessments and forecasts expressed by experts during a similar survey in 2023, and also emphasized the importance of deepening cooperation between scientists, research and analytical institutions and authorities.

At the event, a Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Political Institutes and Processes of the Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the NAS of Ukraine Galyna Zelenko gave a speech.

Galyna Zelenko reports

Employees of the department also took part in the discussion: chief researcher Vasyl Kozma, leading researcher Tetyana Lyashenko, leading researcher Rostyslav Balaban, leading researcher Nataliya Kononenko, senior researcher Svitlana Sytnyk.

During the meeting

Expert discussion

 Results of the study “Analysis of threats to national security in the field of domestic policy”