On December 6-7, 2022, the conference “Thirty years after the collapse of the USSR from the perspective of Warsaw” was held at the University of Warsaw.
As part of the conference, a round table devoted to armed conflicts (wars) in the post-Soviet space and its prospects was held, the moderator of which was the Head of the Department of Political Institutions and Processes of our Institute, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Galyna Zelenko.
The participants of the round table representing Azerbaijan, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan characterized the essence of the armed conflicts taking place in their countries, the ratio of internal and external prerequisites of these conflicts.
During the round table
The main focus of the participants of the round table was on the impact of Russian military aggression against Ukraine on socio-political transformations in the post-Soviet space. The participants agreed that the future of the geopolitical space that will emerge from the so-called “post-Soviet” space, including the territory of present-day Russia, will depend on how the Russian-Ukrainian war ends. Probably, the Russian military aggression has already started the disintegration processes in these territories, since these countries, for the sake of self-preservation, on the one hand, are allegedly maneuvering in this military conflict, not accepting anyone’s side, and on the other hand, their society, in view of the dangers to their independence, understand the potential danger of Russian expansionist policy.