2012 Ukrainian Parliamentary Elections. Scientific researches.

ISBN 978-966-02-7040-4
Original name: Парламентські вибори 2012 року в Україні, Наукові дослідження. – К.: ІПіЕНД ім. І.Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2013. – 364 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-7040-4
The collection of scientific works contains the researches of the participants of the International scientific and practical conference “The parliamentary election 2012 in Ukraine”, which analyses the vital questions of the parliamentary electoral campaign 2012, in particular, deals with the political and legal basis of the electoral process in Ukraine, the ideological features of elections, markers of political parties identifications are considered, voting technologies, which are used at the national level as well as at the regional one, are examined.
The consequences and possible scenarios in the development of political events after the parliamentary elections are characterised.
The collection of works consists of not only the researches of the Ukrainian, but also American, Polish and Russian scientists as well.