Arkusha O.G, Borodin E.I, Vidnyanskyi S., Gai-Nyzhnyk P.P., Soldatenko V.F. and others. “Essays on the history of government service in Ukraine”.
ISBN 978-966-521-503-5
Original name: Аркуша О.Г., Бородін Є.І., Віднянський С.В., Гай-Нижник П.П., Солдатенко В.Ф. та інші. “Нариси історії державної служби в Україні”. - К.: Ніка-Центр, 2008. - 536 с.
ISBN 978-966-521-503-5
"Essays on the history of government service in Ukraine" is the first in the Ukrainian historiography attempt to summarize in holistic research the numerous works devoted to the process of state formation, political and administrative system, government service formation and the activities of public servants. The authors begin their study with the analysis of the ancient society state organization and complete with the characteristic of construction and development of government service in the independent Ukraine. The book contains forms and types of (national, imperial, occupation) management activities on the Ukrainian lands. The text of "Essays" is prepared as part of a research project, which is carried out to-order the Centre for adaption the government service to the standards of the European Union, by means the State Budget of Ukraine. Ultimate purpose of research is a monograph and a collection of documents under the common title "The History of Government Service in Ukraine".