Belousova I.A., Vaganov K.G., Vovchok S.V., Gai-Nyzhnyk P. P, etc. “The banking system of Ukraine: measurements of global financial crisis. The expert analytical report”.
ISBN 978-966-207-713-1
Original name: Белоусова І.А., Ваганов К.Г., Вовчок С.В., Гай-Нижник П.П. та ін. “ Банківська система України: виміри глобальної фінансової кризи. Експертно-аналітична доповідь ” . - К.: Дорадо-друк, 2009. - 64 с.
ISBN 978-966-207-713-1
The expert analytical report is done in conformity with the Governmental plan of actions over financial crisis in Ukraine and devoted to the system analysis of the banking system situation of Ukraine, the development directions of its reforming. The authors of the report are well - known scientists and experts in the field of banks and the finance, jurisprudence, history, sociology, economic security and the government administration.