Corruption in Ukraine is not politics. Monograph
ISBN 978-966-651-451-9
Original name: Корупція в Україні – не політика. Монографія / Журавський В.С., Михальченко М.І., Михальченко О.М. – К.: Фенікс, 2007. – 408 с.
ISBN 978-966-651-451-9
In the book, the interdependence of corruption in Ukraine, with politics, economics, morality, law and other spheres of social life, is examined. The multiple-aspect nature of corruption, its systemic nature in Ukraine is shown. But, as the authors prove, it is not politics, but the antipolitics which erodes the state mechanism of Ukraine, destroys normal social relations, and distorts the modern Ukrainian politics, which is aimed for the harmony in the country, economic growth and European choice.
The book is intended for professionals in the fields of politics, law and international relations, as well as a wide readership.