Ethnopolitical factors of consolidation of the contemporary Ukrainian society.
ISBN 978-966-02-9291-8
Original name: Етнополітичні чинники консолідації сучасного українського суспільства / ред. кол. О. Рафальський (голова), В. Войналович, М. Рябчук. Київ: ІПіЕНД ім. І.Ф. Кураса НАН України. 2020. 336 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-9291-8
The book results from the research on “Ethno-political factors of consolidation of the contemporary Ukrainian society” carried out by the scholars of the ethno-political department of the Ivan F. Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies in 2017-2019. It presents the detailed analysis of ethno-political factors of consolidation of the contemporary Ukrainian society, outlines the conceptual framework for the analysis, and examines the available relevant studies on the topic. The dynamics of changing ethno-cultural and social identities in the aftermath of the Revolution of Dignity is scrutinized as the most complex and controversial phenomenon. Substantial attention is paid to the language and ethno-confessional aspects of societal consolidation, politics of memory and actualization of public space. As a corollary, the conceptual vision of evolving Ukrainian society is introduced and discussed.
The study targets the prospective audience of scholars and teachers, students and journalists, civic activists and NGO leaders, as well as policy makers and civic servants who elaborate, legislate, and implement in practice the strategies of national consolidation.
Forewords (Oleh Rafalsky, Mykola Riabchuk)
Chapter I.
Conceptualization of the discourse of social consolidation in contemporary academic research (Yuri Polishchuk)
Chapter II
Neither a «victory» nor a «betrayal». Dynamics of ethnic and national identities in Ukraine since 2014 (Mykola Riabchuk)
Chapter III
Changes in the structure of values and their impact on the societal consolidation (Yuri Polishchuk)
Chapter IV
Ukrainian language and national consolidation (Volodymyr Kulyk)
Chapter V
Ethno-confessional determinants of the social consolidation (Viktor Voynalovych)
Chapter VI
Actualization of the public space and politics of memory (Svitlana Nabok)
Chapter VII
Concept of the future of the Ukrainian nation and its consolidating potential (Oleh Rafalsky)
Afterwords (Oleh Rafalsky)