Golovchenko V.I. Soldatenko V.F. Ukrainian question in the First World War: Monograph.
ISBN 978-966-611-690-4
Original name: Головченко В.І. Солдатенко В.Ф. Українське питання в роки Першої світової війни: Монографія. – К.: Парламентське вид-во, 2009. – 448 с.
ISBN 978-966-611-690-4
In a monograph based on the latest achievements of domestic and foreign historians, with a wide variety of sources, an attempt of a comprehensive analysis of the Ukrainian question as one of the most burning, and at the same time, controversial phenomena of the era of preparation for and realization the First World War is made. Objectively it having appeared in the epicentre of global military confrontation and cataclysm, Ukraine became one of the main objects in the realization of far-sighted plans of rival coalitions, a key centre for ripening scale convulsions, during which the liberation movement grew into the Ukrainian national-democratic revolution, accelerating the process of rebirth of the nation in different spheres of life.
The monograph is intended for professionals, students, anyone who is interested in the history of Ukraine.