Historical and political science, social practice in Ukraine
ISBN 978-966-611-701-7
Original name: Історична і політична наука та суспільна практика в Україні / НАН України, Ін-т політ. і етнонац. досл. ім. І.Ф.Кураса. – К.: Парламентське вид-во, 2009. – 632 с.: іл..
ISBN 978-966-611-701-7
The materials of the book open the vital and creative development of the talented scientist, the historian, the political scientist, the experienced organizer of the science, the first director of the Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Vice-President of NAS of Ukraine - I.F.Kuras. His public and political work, in particular, in the higher governmental organs – in the Cabinet of Ministers and Supreme Rada of Ukraine.
The considerable part of the collection is composed by the experts’ articles in humanities who continue their research on the problems which I.F.Kuras, the creative initiative science scientist, attached great importance to.
The colleagues, followers and friends’ memoirs, which were placed in the book, help understand the bright, talented person’s outstanding human qualities better.