Scientific notes: Issue 30, chapter 1, 2006
Scientific Notes / Digest. – Kyiv: Kuras Institute of Political and Ethno-National Research of NAS of Ukraine, 2006. – 391 pages /Political Science and Ethnology Series. Issue 30, chapter 1.
ISBN 966-02-2769-8, 966-02-4027-9, 966-02-4029-5
Наукові записки / Курасівські читання – 2005. – К.: Інститут політичних і етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І.Ф.Кураса НАН України, 2006. – 469 с. /Сер. "Політологія і етнологія". Вип. 30, кн. 1.
ISBN 966-02-2769-8, 966-02-4027-9, 966-02-4029-5
The digest is specialized issue of "Scientific Notes" and is based contributions of scholars who participated at First Kuras Lectures which took place on the 15th-16th December 2005. Chapter 1 contains articles devoted to the memory of academician I.F.Kuras and topical issues of ethnic politics.