Scientific notes: Issue 8, 1999

Scientific Notes / Digest. – K.: Institute of Political and Ethno-National Research of NAS of Ukraine, 1999. – 200 pages/“Political Science and Ethnology” Series. Issue 8/.
ISBN 966-02-0797-2
Наукові записки / Збірник. – К.: Інститут політичних і етнонаціональних досліджень НАН України, 1999. – 200 с. /Сер. "Політологія і етнологія". Вип. 8/.
ISBN 966-02-0797-2
The digest contains scientific publicist articles, in which research covers the problems of social-economic, political, national, cultural and spiritual development of ethnic groups in Ukraine, their place and role in state-formation processes of the past and present.