Kalyan S.E. Jewish’s community in political process on the territories of the under Russian Ukraine (middle of the XІ – the beginning of the XX century)
ISBN 966-8791-18-5
Original name: Кальян С.Є. Єврейська спільнота у політичному процесі на теренах підросійської України (середина XIX – початок XX ст..). – Полтава: «Довкілля-К», 2009. – 336 с.
ISBN 966-8791-18-5
On the basis of studying historical, political, sociocultural factors, peculiarities of the Ukrainian-Russian-Polish ethnopolitical environment are analysed in which there was a development of the Jewish community during the period from the end of 50th of the XІ century till 1903. The attention is concentrated to the policy of autocracy concerning Jews, Ukrainian-Jewish both confrontation, and cooperation elements. Specifics of a resource’s components (demographic, economic, information, etc.) of the Jewish nation is characterised, the reasons of interethnic relations’ conflictness on the under Russian Ukrainian territory are established. The special attention is given to a question of political development of Jewry on "before national" stage and during the period of politicisation: process of change and essence of political strategy, an intellectual component of formation process of Jewry as a subject of political process are analyzed.
The book is intended for scientists, teachers, students and all those who is interested in problems of the Jewish nation’s development.