Kochubey L.O. Essays from the history about publishing of St. Vladimir University in 1834-1917 (by an example of natural history editions)
ISBN 978-966-439-226-3
Original name: Кочубей Л.О. Нариси з історії видавничої діяльності Університету Св. Володимира у 1834-1917 роках (на прикладі видань з природознавства) Л.О. Кочубей. – К.: Видавничо-поліграфічний центр «Київський університет», 2009. – 223 с.
ISBN 978-966-439-226-3
The main source basis is represented by editions of the St. Vladimir University: social university periodical “University news” (1861-1919), “Notes…” and “Transactions…” of the Kiev university scientific organisations, and also pre-October periodicals of the Russian empire: “Magazine of the Ministry of National Education”, “Russian old time”, “the Kiev Provincial bulletins” etc.
It is intended for students, and also all who is interested in the history of science, the Ukrainian culture, publishing in Ukraine.