Kovalevskiy V.O. Information interaction in the political and authoritative field of a large city.

Kovalevskiy V.O. Information interaction in the political and authoritative field of a large city.

ISBN 978-966-02-5909-6

Original name:

Ковалевський В.О. Інформаційна взаємодія у політико-владному полі великого міста. – К.: ІПіЕНД ім. І.Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2010. – 221 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-5909-6

The monograph is devoted to the theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of political and authoritative, information and communication processes. On the scrutiny basis of scientific approaches, theoretical and methodological principles of political communication and extensive empirical material from the area of modern Ukrainian politics, the conceptual model for the analysis of information interaction (interactions) in today's large Ukrainian city is developed and substantiated. In the work, the category "political interaction" is analysed and its heuristic potential is studied for understanding and explanation of modern political processes.

The monograph is intended for scientists, experts in the field of information policy, postgraduate students, anyone who is interested in the analysis models of political processes in modern Ukraine.

You can view the contents (in original language) here