Crises of political development in Ukraine: causes, content and methods of leveling
Crises of political development in Ukraine: causes, content and methods of leveling : monograph / authors’ coll.: G. I. Zelenko (head of authors’ coll., scientific editor), R. V. Balaban, S. G. Brekharya, L. L. Kiyanitsa, O. Yu. Kondratenko, N. V. Kononenko, T. M. Lyashenko. Kyiv : KIP&EtS of the NAS of Ukraine, 2022. 352 р.
ISBN 978-966-02-9488-2
Кризи політичного розвитку в Україні: причини, зміст і способи нівелювання : монографія / авт. кол.: Г. І. Зеленько (керівник, наук. ред.), Р. В. Балабан, С. Г. Брехаря, Л. Л. Кияниця, О. Ю. Кондратенко, Н. В. Кононенко, Т. М. Ляшенко. Київ : ІПіЕнД ім. І. Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2022. 352 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-9488-2
The monograph analyzes political development crises as components of the modernization crisis syndrome. The neo-institutional approach, which is the basis of the proposed research, made it possible to analyze the development of Ukraine during the years of independence through the prism of crisis phenomena, which have a systemic and permanent nature and, in their combination, convergence and interpenetration, slow down, and sometimes make impossible, the processes of democratization. Crises of political development, among which the authors analyze the crisis of identity, the crisis of legitimacy, the crisis of penetration, the crisis of distribution, and the crisis of participation in their interaction, as well as due to extremely contradictory external influences due to a specific geopolitical environment (between two large centers of power, which is also analyzed in the monograph), have effectively led to the trials and tribulations that the Ukrainian state is currently undergoing.
The monograph is intended for social scientists, politicians, experts and anyone interested in the political development of Ukraine.