Lyubovets O. Political mainstay of P. Skoropadskyi’s Hetmanate
ISBN 978-966-02-5323-0
Original name: Любовець О. Політична опора гетьманату П.Скоропадського. – К.: Інститут політичних і етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І.Ф.Кураса НАН України, 2009. – 132 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-5323-0
In the monograph, the political forces which became the mainstay of the Ukrainian state of the hetman P.Skoropadskyi are defined. On the bases of the wide range of the sources, ideological and organizational prerequisites of Hetman coup d'état April 29, 1918 are examined; the role of political parties in this process, their participation in the formation of a hetmanate governments are highlighted, policy basis and guidelines for action of governmental parties – the All-Ukrainian Union of landed proprietors, Protofis, cadets are discovered. In the appendix, the biographical data of cabinet ministers is given.
The monograph is intended for anyone, who is interested in the history of the Ukrainian political parties.