Nagorna L.P. Historical culture: concept, information resource, reflective potential.
ISBN 978-966-02-7177-7
Original name: Нагорна Л.П. Історична культура: концепт, інформаційний ресурс, рефлективний потенціал. / Л.П. Нагорна – К.: ІПіЕНД ім. І.Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2014. – 382 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-7177-7
The monograph reveals the fundamental nature of the category “historical culture” which is fundamental in the Western historical cultural studies but is still unusual for domestic term practice, as a factor in the formation of the “image of the past” in the interaction of professional and historical knowledge and collective memory of society. Historical culture is represented as the newest concept of rationality in historical knowledge, as a system combining the principals of articulation, interpretation and representation of the past, as a successful find in the system of categorical operationalization of scientific concepts. The mechanisms of historical ideas circulation, which are adopted by society, are being transformed into the part of its mental and verbal fund and motivational stimulus. The possibilities of the use of historical culture meduses in the system of teaching and social education are examined.
The monograph is intended for scientific workers, politicians, journalists, students and everyone who is interested in the problems of history and modern Ukrainian reality.