National minorities of Ukraine in the political processes of the XX-XXI centuries: state and problems of research

National minorities of Ukraine in the political processes of the XX-XXI centuries: state and problems of research

ISBN 978-966-02-9477-6

Original name:

Національні меншини України в політичних процесах ХХ – ХХІ століть: стан і проблеми дослідження / авт. кол.: Котигоренко В.О. (керівник), Калакура О.Я., Ковач Л.Л., Коцур В.В., Кочан Н.І., Ляшенко О.О., Ніколаєць Ю.О., Новородовський В.В., Панчук М.І. Київ: ІПіЕНД ім. І.Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2020. 624 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-9477-6

The book presents the results of research on the experience of formation, trends, problems and current challenges of scientific knowledge about the place and role of national minorities of Ukraine in the political processes of XX – XXI centuries, namely: a) early XX century, b) during the First World War, Ukrainian revolution and state formation, c) in the interwar period, d) during the Second World War, e) in the Ukrainian SSR 1945-1990, e) in modern Ukraine.

The publication is designed for researches, lectures and graduate students.

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Preface. Relevance of the topic. (V. Kotygorenko)

Chapter 1. National minorities in Ukraine on the threshold of the twentieth century: a scientific study (N. Kochan)

Chapter 2. National minorities of Ukraine during the First World War, the Ukrainian Revolution and state formation: the cognitive aspect (V. Kotsur)

Chapter 3. Studies on the political history of national minorities in the interwar period:

3.1. On the territory of the USSR / USSR (O. Kalakura)

3.2. In the Ukrainian lands of Poland, Czechoslovakia and Romania (O. Kovach)

Chapter 4. National minorities of Ukraine during the Second World War: scientific discourse (Yu. Nikolaiets)

Chapter 5. National Minorities in the Ukrainian SSR 1945-1990: History of the Study (V. Novorodovskyi)

Chapter 6. National minorities in the political space of modern Ukraine: the scientific dimension (O. Lyashenko)

Afterword. Dialectics of terms of ethnopolitical science and ethnopolitical practices (V. Kotygorenko, M. Panchuk)

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