National sovereignty of Ukraine under the conditions of globalization: National report.
ISBN 978-966-611-821-2
Original name: Національний суверенітет України в умовах глобалізації: Національна доповідь. – К.: Парламентське вид-во, 2011. – 112 с.
ISBN 978-966-611-821-2
This book is the third one in the series of annual reports on topical issues of socio-economic, socio-political, cultural development of Ukraine that are planned by the National Academy of Science. The authors, on the basis of current theoretical concepts related to general tendencies in the evolution of national sovereignty under the condition of globalization, analyze the status and problematic aspects of the national sovereignty of Ukraine, the ways to strengthen it in accordance with the real possibilities of the country are given. It is about the filling of the national sovereignty concept with the new content, the introduction of additional mechanisms to ensure internal and external sovereignty of Ukraine.
The book is addressed to authoritative and political elite of the country, employees of public administrations, scientists, everyone who is interested in strengthening the potential and authority of Ukraine.