Orthodoxy – the civilization kernel of the Slavic world: Collection of scientific works.
ISBN 978-966-651-924-8
Original name: Православ’я – цивілізаційний стрижень слов’янського світу: Зб. наук. праць / Ред. колегія: П.П. Толочко (головний редактор), О.П. Моця (відповідальний редактор) та ін. – К.: Фенікс, 2011. – 288 с., іл.
ISBN 978-966-651-924-8
The basis of this collection of scientific work, were the materials of the conference, which was held in Kiev in June 2011 The book is composed of works by scientists from Ukraine, Russia, Serbia and Moldova - historians, archaeologists, philosophers, linguists, theologians, dedicated to topical issues of history and current state of the Orthodoxy in the Slavic world, as well as the problems of maintenance and use of the Orthodoxy in the Slavic world, as well as the problems of maintenance and use of the Orthodoxy’s material heritage.The book is intended for researchers and everyone who is interested in the history of the Orthodox Church.