Panchuk M., Evtukh V., Voynalovich V., Kotygorenko V., Kalakura O., Kochan N., Makarenko N., Gorbun T., Liashenko O., Kovach L. Ethnopolitical processes in Ukraine: regional characteristics [Monograph]
ISBN 978-966-02-5963-8
Original name: Етнополітичні процеси в Україні: регіональні особливості: [Монографія] – К., Інститут політичних та етнонаціональних досліджень ім. І.Ф.Кураса НАН України, 2011. – 396 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-5963-8
The book describes the theoretical and methodological instruments of studying ethno-political processes in Ukraine and their regional specificity. The research results of historical conditions, political, economic, social, demographic, cultural, religious and other aspects of ethno-political regionalization of social space in Ukraine are presented. The conclusions about the tendency of modern ethno-political dynamics in Ukrainian society, its regional segments and ethno-political role of public management in the optimization of ethno-national relations and the national civil consolidation of political, poly-ethnic, poly-confessional, poly-cultural masses of the population are reasoned.