Polishchuk Y.M. National minorities of the Right-Bank Ukraine in the context of the Russian Empire ethnic policy (the end of XVIII – beginning of XX century).
ISBN 978-966-02-6549-3
Original name: Поліщук Ю.М. Національні меншини Правобережжя України у контексті етнічної політики Російської імперії (кінець XVIII – початок XX ст.). – Київ: ІПіЕНД ім. І.Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2012. – 432 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-6549-3
The monograph deals with the specifics of the Russian Empire policy, concerning national minorities of the Right-Bank Ukraine in the late XVIII - early XX century. The internal and external factors of the tsarist policy in the field of ethnicity are analysed, the activity of the state administration institutions and administrative control in the field of ethno-political region is examined, the basic principles of socio-economic, educational, church and religious policy of the Russian Empire and its impact on the ethno-demographic and ethno- social processes, the position of the Poles, Russians, Jews, Germans and Czechs in the region are traced
The book is intended for historians, a wide range of readers who are interested in ethno-political issues.