Political science in Ukraine. 1991-2016: in 2 volumes. V.1 Political science: the western development trends and Ukrainian specifics.
ISBN 978-966-922-060-8 (т.1)
Original name: Політична наука в Україні. 1991-2016: у 2 т. Т.1 Політична наука: західні тренди розвитку й українська специфіка / НАН України, Ін-т політ. і етнонац. досліджень ім. І.Ф. Кураса – К.: Паралам. вид-во, 2016. – 656 с.
ISBN 978-966-922-060-8 (т.1)
This is the first edition in Ukraine which analyses the formation and development process of political science in Ukraine over a period of 1991-2016. The materials of the first volume introduce the discipline history, development features of its subject field, the problems associated with the specifics of categorical apparatus, as well as theoretical and methodological approaches to the political research in western countries. The focus is on the process of knowledge accumulation about the policy and political on the domestic territories in the period from Kyiv Rus formation as a state and until 1991 is given. The process of initialization of political science in Ukraine since the independence in the late of XX century to the present times is analysed.