Political system of Ukraine: constitutional model and political practices

Political System of Ukraine: Constitutional Model and Political Practices : P 49 Monograph / authors’ coll.: G. I. Zelenko (supervisor, scientific editor) and other. Kyiv : KIP&EtS of the NAS of Ukraine, 2023. 536 р.
ISBN 978-617-14-0109-9
Політична система України: конституційна модель та політичні практики : монографія / кол. авт.: Зеленько Г. І. (кер., наук. ред.) та ін. Київ : ІПіЕнД ім. І. Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2023. 536 с.
ISBN 978-617-14-0109-9
The monograph is devoted to the study of the institutional, normative-legal and informative-communicative subsystems of the political system of Ukraine from the point of view of the combination of formal and real constitutionalism. Non-political institutions are studied - civil society organizations, financial and industrial groups, media, which directly influence the nature of the political system and political practices.
The publication is designed for politicians, experts, scientists, students and post- graduate students and everyone who wants to understand the intricacies of the functioning of the political system of Ukraine, understand cause-and-effect relationships and explain the peculiarities of political practices.
Introduction (Oleg Rafalskiy)
Chapter 1. The structural-functional dimension of the political system of Ukraine
Section 1. The form of government: semi-presidentialism in the Ukrainian version (Oleksandr Mayboroda)
Section 2. The functional capacity of the Ukrainian parliament (Vitaliy Pereveziy)
Section 3. Dynamics of the structure and spheres of competence of the executive power in Ukraine (Oleh Kondratenko)
Section 4. The problem of structural coherence in the political system of Ukraine (Tetyana Bevz)
Section 5. Ukrainian multipartyism: problems of ideological diversity and institutional capacity (Maria Karmazina)
Section 6. The ruling class as a producer of changes in the political system (Tetyana Lyashenko)
Section 7. The impact of financial-industrial groups on the functioning of the political system of Ukraine (Svitlana Brekharya)
Section 8. The role of civil society in the functioning of the political system of Ukraine (Olena Dmytrenko)
Chapter 2. The regulatory and legal order of functioning of the political system of Ukraine
Section 9. Ukraine as a “captured state”: theological constitutionalism and real politics (Galyna Zelenko, Vladislav Kovalevskiy)
Section 10. Political aspects of the functioning of the judicial branch of government in Ukraine (Yuriy Nikolaiets)
Chapter 3. The political system and the social environment
Section 11. Mass media in Ukraine: structure, functions, and political influence (Maxym Kyjak)
Section 12. Political participation as a factor in the formation of public opinion and behavioral
patterns of the citizens (Yuriy Shaihorodskyi)
Section13. Socio-political tasks of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine (Nataliya Kononenko)
Conclusions (Galyna Zelenko)
Bibliographic references
Information about the authors