Politics in persons (Political leadership on the post-space: national and regional contexts): Tutorial
ISBN 978-966-02-6548-6
Original name: Політика в особах (Політичне лідерство на постсоціалістичному просторі: національний і регіональний контексти): навчальний посібник / За заг. ред. проф.. Ф.М. Рудича. – К.: ІПіЕНД ім.. І.Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2012. – 400 с.
ISBN 978-966-02-6548-6
Based on a wide amount of modern historical research sources; the analysis of real political processes, one of the main topics of political science - the nature, concepts and classification of political leadership at the national and regional aspects is presented in the tutorial. The theoretical and methodological problems of political leadership, the idea of leadership in the world of political thought, the formation of political leadership in modern Ukraine after independence are found out. The process of becoming political leaders in the CIS and Baltic, Central and Eastern Europe countries is given; the general regularities and special features in comparison with the way this is happening in our state are found out.