R.Balaban “The theory of the electoral system”.

R.Balaban “The theory of the electoral system”.

ISBN 978-966-06-0498-8

Original name:

Р.В. Балабан «Теорія виборчої системи». – К.:Либідь, 2007. - 112 с.
ISBN 978-966-06-0498-8

In the book, the basic theory and analysis of the electoral system are stated; the historical retrospective of the electoral law and electoral practices is given. The author makes a comparative political analysis of the electoral law in European and CIS countries. The electoral experience of modern Ukraine and results of the parliamentary race in the period of independence are summarized. The electoral system as a complex of political institutions interactions and as a part of the electoral system, is studied. An attempt of systematic critical analysis of the electoral legislation in Ukraine is made. In preparing of the publication, the experience of real electoral campaigns is used.

The book is intended for political scientists, historians, lawyers, teachers and students, those who analyze and reform the electoral law, who is interested in the political science.

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